If you weighed all the living organisms in the oceans, microbes would account for 90% of the weight. Microbes are the drivers of a healthy marine ecosystem. They are the cleanup crew of the ocean, the foundation of the food web, and the recyclers of nutrients. Coral protectors, oxygen producers, and light up performers–marine microorganisms have a wide array of abilities.
No sunlight reaches the darkest depths of the ocean. And yet, here in this otherworldly environment, creatures put on underwater light shows all on their own. This is bioluminescence, the production of light by living organisms. From squids to anglerfish, bioluminescence in part is made possible by microbes.
Coral Community
Coral may seem lifeless. But just as it supports a diverse community around it, it houses a diverse community within it. Coral reefs are made possible by a sort of three-party partnership. There is the coral itself, a microscopic algae, and the coral’s microbiome. Together, these microbes work to nourish and protect their coral’s health, just as our gut microbes work to support our body’s health. Further research into coral’s microorganism partners could help us better safeguard our coral reefs amidst ongoing climate change.